Class Testimonials
Flora A
Greetings Khadijah,
I am writing to thank you for teaching this class. What a blessing to be part of the class. I was blown away by your knowledge and your style of imparting your knowledge to us. The information that you gave us was phenomenal. I am thankful that the universe brought me to you.
You are an amazing teacher. Would love to take another class with you. I would recommend this class to anyone who is serious on their spiritual development. See it as an investment for your growth. You will be glad you took the step.
Thank you again.
Marilyn Garrett
Hey Khadijah
The Reading was off the chain, but that class took me to a whole nother dimension, like now I'm trying to keep up with myself, and I have only just begun to put some of the rituals into practice. Khadijah shared a whole lot of information on the Chakras and Healing. I have to keep listening to the recordings over and over again, each time getting something new. You see I'm finding my way out of the Matrix.
If I were to name a few of the major things that stood out for me in the class, it was the Chakra spinning, the ritual on forgiving and how the pictures and charts were used to illustrate how the Chakras really work. I'm starting to come to grips with how much of an Alchemist we really are and to take responsibilty for that.
I was introduced to the Chakras several years ago but never really understand their functioning nor their role in our healing and asention process.
In this class, I learned soooo much, and what I continue to get from the class is information I've been crawling, reaching, scratching, pulling, tugging and digging trying to get for a long, long time. I have 4 college degrees, 2 of them being in "religion", not to mention certificates and ordinations, but I was taught to fear the occult...as well as my mind and my intuition.
I've been listening to Bobby Hemmitt and Bro Panic. Now I'm ready to take some of Panics classes.
I'm looking forward to your new book Khadijah. My life is already better today because of your gift. Keep doing what you do."
I will be in the ATL area for 3 weeks the end of November and 1st part of December.
Marilyn Garrett
Peace Sis,
the class was truly an awakening and enlightening experience!!! It went far beyond the ordinary class structure, for me it was a Growing Learning Giving Receiving Sharing and Being experience!!
We sometimes have a european perspective of magic where you have to do something to prove or entertain others, feed your Ego, or just experience a slightly altered reality, although Khadijah very eloquently and simply offers many exercises suggestions and herbal prescriptions to make the magic happen but my feel was that the focus was more on awakening the magician who is the Cause of Creating Magical realities and becoming a master of your Humanity !!!
Less doing and more opening the dialogue and activating cultivating and understanding the infinite Power/Love of the Being who chose to be Human!!! Shout out to Khadijah Panic Dame Kourtney Visa the rest of the pandemonium Fam and Secret Society, they always speak about how these deities/entities are descriptions of energy not to be worshipped but awakened within!!!
This Family has truly been a powerful energy that has awakened a light force within me. Let's continue to go Within so we Never go Without !!!!
Chris Nance, Student
I have taken Panic's class, I have gotten a Akashic Record reading from you and just this past weekend I took your Magic is our Medicine class.
I say that to say this, I'm very grateful for the work that you and Panic have done. The Mysteries schools have gone online, how amazing! I'm a corporate trainer by trade and I must say, you kept me engaged from the beginning to the end.
I know how difficult that is to do for 45 mins, yet you did it for 4 amazing hours!! I highly recommend this class, in fact, I recommend the entire curriculum. Start with Panic's class, as a prerequisite! The rest will unfold before your very eye.
Chris Nance,
Thank you for sharing your knowledge it was a great class. During the lecture Khadijah would repeat "You got to do the work" and that really resonated with me a lot. Reconditioning your mind is not easy but spirit will always connect you to the right people places and things. I'm grateful for being able to take her class because I'm trying to get this shit right I want out this bitch!!
Thank you so much Khadijah
Peace Khadijah, and once again...thank you !!!!
Hey Ms Khadijah !!!
I just want to first thank you for teaching such an incredible class. This class is a very important part in spirituality, and was much needed for me, because for a long time I felt that my emotions were outta control.
I cant be the God that I know that I am if my mind isn't right, and I strongly feel that the instruction this class provides will do just that....IT WILL GET YOUR MIND RIGHT. The experiences that you shared, along with the information given makes this a very powerful experience indeed. It put the power right back in my hands, something that you and Bro Panic do so incredibly. The way you discussed things made enlightenment even more attainable for me. It takes the pressure off when you hear that sweet voice say things like, "There's no need to rush", and " Trust me, it works" and "You got this".
That just makes me feel so good and boosts my confidence to DO THE WORK. I'm trying not to write an essay lol but I can't thank you enough. People, TAKE THE CLASS!!!!!
Hey Khadijah
This class is AMAZING!!! If you’re struggling with your Magick or just feeling that you’re not getting anywhere spiritually or stuck, PLEASE sign up for this class! It’s easy to follow and Khadijah is more than happy to answer any questions you may have. I STRONGLY recommend it! Thanks again Khadijah for such a wonderful and enlightening experience. ❤️
I'll just end this by saying THANK YOU Khadijah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to say this is one of the best class I have ever taken the combination of scientific knowledge and personal story told by Khadijah was priceless because it merges the info and application of the knowledge in a way that anyone who really about self-improvement and ready to jumpstart their spiritual journey to just take the class and then take off. So I would recommend this class to anyone trying to get right. also the vibe of the class is made for learning.
L.A Blagz
Hey Khadijah
The information in the class is priceless and khadijah delivers it in a thorough and efficient manner that is not only easy to understand but also made for a fun and enjoyable atmosphere.
All of my questions were answered in depth and straight to the point, those new to or veterans of occult science alike will take loads from this experience so I definitely recommend you to try it out.
L.A Blagz
Felicia Medusa
Hey Khadijah
Your class was so profound, phenomenal & magical ..I don't know what to say ..I am kinda speechless right now..LITERALLY.
I cannot believe how much knowledge I've obtained in only 2 days.. I felt my frequency go up during the class,because everything you taught, resonated with my spirit..This is the occult information that I've been searching for..to help me find my true self.
Your class was the ultimate healing medicine that I needed..I recommend this class to anyone who's looking to find their truth.
This is pure authentic life changing Occult information.
Thank You for being a wonderful teacher,
Felicia Medusa
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND for anyone who is serious about the work.
“I have so many pages of notes after that. It’ll be awhile before I can fully process everything Khadijah gave us in that class. Beyond information (A LOT of information), she gives out books, techniques and rituals that I will be working with for a very long time. The techniques she provides have been working for me. Before, I would do surface level chakra work and see sporadic, temporary results whereas now my chakra system is developing in a much stronger way. Khadijah is one the few spiritual teachers I HIGHLY RECOMMEND for anyone who is serious about the work.”—PupilOfTheSeas
Khadijah has such a nurturing and loving energy;
Khadijah has such a nurturing and loving energy; It’s very inviting and you can definitely the feel the passion and genuineness for what she does. I’ve gotten her Akashic Record reading, Deluxe Gateway reading, and I’ve taken her, “Magic is our Medicine Class” and every single one of them is ON POINT. I highly recommend getting the readings and taking the classes because (SPEAKING SOULY FOR MYSELF) they correlate very heavily. Khadijah’s class (and Panic’s for that matter) give you knowledge and reference on how to use certain techniques/rituals, why we’ve fallen into the thought patterns we have, and most importantly how the hell we can get out of these patterns.
If you’re still not getting a clear picture of what I’m saying I’ll share this with you:
When I first started getting into “spirituality” I was 15 (I’m now 23). I would always find myself focusing on the level at which other people were on in their journeys. It made me feel HORRIBLE, like something was wrong with me, and so much more. Without realizing it I had outcaste myself and in doing so lowered my vibrations even further. I was blocking/ignoring all the beautiful and subtle signs/messages I was receiving from spirit because I was so outside of myself always worrying about the next person and when I was gonna get here or there.. It took me SEVEN years to really grasp this. Khadijah’s classes and readings, and Bro. Panic’s class really helped me bring awareness to those different aspects of myself.
What I’m trying to say is if you sense yourself getting caught up in the world around you just take a step back and remember you’re in control of your reality. So yes, it really is just about doing your own work, not pretending, not making excuses, but taking full responsibility for your life and all that it embodies.
Here’s a quote by Maya Angelou that keeps coming up that I know some of you will benefit from, “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
Thanks again, Khadijah for such an amazing class. I can’t express enough how thankful I am. 💕