Category Magical Oils
Tags "Sold only at live events", CHAKRA OIL, CHARA HEALING
ANCESTRAL PACKAGE – Root, Sacral and Solar
Allow these 3 seals to help you understand that you are not alone. Ancestors work with you constantly. You have help to ease on down your path with guidance and information.
Chakra Basics-These Seals are known as the Earthly Seals. This trinity magnifies your independence. You will find your way to your own currency and not paper chase man made currency, it will chase you. Whether you work for a business or build your own. Each Chakra represents learning and growing in this life.
Chakra Psychics– Clearing old emotions that weigh you down you will see you have lots of help in the Ancestral and Astral realms.
Chakra Dynamics- You will learn how to free your ego and connect to the astral realms to use your empowerment.
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Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Khadijah Samedi. I am an Oracle Reader who does Occult Readings and Spiritual Consultations.
I am also known as an Awakening/Death Coach. Teacher of Occult Science AKA Esoteric teaching, for those that use that lingo and I also teach Metaphysics.Read more…
Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Khadijah Samedi.I am an Oracle Reader who does Occult Readings and Spiritual Consultations.
I am also known as an Awakening/Death Coach. Teacher of Occult Science AKA Esoteric teaching, for those that use that lingo and I also teach Metaphysics.Read more…