A red and black logo with the words anp other panics

“Brother Panic. Love of my life. My King, my best friend, my companion, my teacher, my brother, my father, my lover, my everything! You are my safest place. I could not do any of this without your trust and confidence in me! So glad we have come to our final destination.”

~Love Always Khadijah Samedi

Brother Panic is a metaphysical and occult teacher lecturing via internet radio for the last ten years. Well known in the conscious community as a hands on spiritualist. In this time, his goal was to help the people have access to their ancient science. 

One of his more popular ways was through an original product called “The Panic Pack” a combination of organic herbs put together by Brother Panic.  He got this combination from the spirit world for personal use, and later shared the revealing with the public.

Since then, hundreds of his listeners, students and peers, rant about the results of the Panic pack. It’s opens up the pineal gland (3rd eye) and I have heard various results from different people about the benefits. Deeper meditations, lucid dreams, focused meditations, talking to ancestors, talking to spirits or quit smoking; just to name a few of the benefits from using the pack. You can smoke it or drink it as a tea, guaranteed one of the best things you can do for your spiritual work.

You can find Brother Panic on Blogtalk Radio or on Youtube  where he does most of his lectures.

If you’re looking for information and products to support your spiritual growth, please click any of the icons below or visit his site OccultLectures.com for a complete list of his magical products or to receive information, upcoming events, lectures, Blog Talk Radio and Classes. 

 Be sure to keep checking back with the site for updates, new products, class dates and lecture information.

Contact me if you have questions about the products, or need links to any of my occult information. Make sure to get you a world famous Herb Pack before you leave.         – Brother Panic     

Red CD with black text that says "Meditation CD's Chants and Evocations".

CLICK HERE to get Brother Panic’s chant and evocations Cd’s they will alter the brain to get you in that spiritual zone.  Goes great with an “Herb Pack”.

A small bag of natural herbs.

CLICK HERE for access to his herb packs to open the pineal gland, this product is a must have for your spiritual work with the 3rd eye.

Red circle with white outline containing a white female figure with colored chakras and the text "Aura Shields".

CLICK HERE to get one of his Protection Shields, good for  everyday use, easy to work with and instructions on the page.

Black podium with red background and white text.

CLICK HERE to get information on Brother Panic’s lecture’s, classes, videos & social media.